Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's Time!!

Well, in 36 hours or so it will be. Friday morning I leave the beloved John Wayne Airport for a what is sure to be seemingly endless journey through Chicago, London, and lots of airspace, to eventually land in Tel Aviv on Saturday! I’ll stay with family for a few nights and on Monday set off for my home for the next five months, Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The first couple weeks will be spent doing an Ulpan, which is an intensive Hebrew language learning program, during which time I’ll register from my regular classes and get to know Jerusalem better. Mid-February I’ll begin my real classes, taught in English, but accompanied by Israelis and international students and focused on Middle East topics. I’m a healthy bit of nervous but mostly very excited to see what’s in store for me and will use this blog as a way to share my exploits with you, my stateside friends, family, etc. There’s a ton I’m looking forward to (a lot of which are food related I must admit) and certainly things I will miss about the states (which is why a trip to Yogurtland is planned for tomorrow), but I’m mostly just anxious to get there and see what everything is like. So, here I go, and next time I write this I’ll be in Israel!

Also, I’ve been singing a certain song for the past several weeks anytime someone says anything about the Promised Land or whatever other “creative” titles they come up with for my destination. Although it has virtually no application to my current situation, I’m including it for your enjoyment (and because it reminds me of my childhood). Besides, who doesn’t love watching gourds, grapes, and peas sing about milk and honey? Enjoy!

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